中国地铁导航专家是您最好旅游伙伴,这个应用为您提供所有亚洲主要城市地铁及火车路线搜索。我们应用特点是:不需要3G/4G/WiFi,绝对不需要任何网络数据, 100%离线,可以省却你大量昂贵的漫游费用。
1. 亚洲主要城市:地铁及火车快速路线搜索功能
2. 手机内存管理:数据采取压缩尺寸小,可根据需求按城市下载数据
3. 搜索功能:目的地站名搜索,或者自动获取最近站点
4. 路线规划:搭乘路线,转乘站点,途径地点,一目了然
5. 离线使用:下载数据包以后,就算人在外地没数据流量,依然可以进行路线搜索
6. 简单易用: 简洁的界面,简单的操作,外地出行必备神器
Transit Directions for China Metro is your ultimate oversea travel buddy to all over Asia cities. We provide metro/train route search for all the major cities. The most important feature is: NO 3G/4G, NO Wifi and absolutely NO Network Data needed. 100% offline. Save you expensive roaming charges while you are traveling abroad.
1. World Fastest Metro Route Planner – instant results for route search
2. Download data by city – small size data, efficient phone memory usage
3. Station search - by name or by your GPS location
4. Calculate your route – know which line to take, where to transit, how many stations to travel, all at one glance
5. Offline Usage – Route search fully functional even while you are offline
6. Neat and tidy interface – easy to use, make your journey most efficient
7. Integrated with Apple Watch - send your trip details so that you can look at your watch for next transit details for even greater convenience.